Resultados de la búsqueda
Do krill and salp compete? Contrary evidence from the krill fisheries
Abstract: Salp by-catch and krill discolouration ('green' krill) caused by active ... feeding on phytoplankton were analysed using logbook data from Japanese krill trawlers operating near the ... blooms and the presence of green krill were analysed. No relationship between salp density and the ... proportion of green krill in the catches was evident when both salps and krill were taken together. In the ...
Meeting Document : WS-AREA 48-98/4 Rev. 1 : Autor(es): S. Kawaguchi (Japan), W.K. de la Mare (Australia), T. Ichii and M. Naganobu (Japan)
On the need to determine the level of krill escapement mortality in the Antarctic krill fishery
Abstract: The krill escapement mortality and the methods to determine it are closely connected ... with the need to have systematic observer coverage in the Antarctic krill fishery. Experiments to ... estimate krill escapement mortality should be introduced on all krill fishing vessels that carry scientific ... observers onboard. To provide krill escapement mortality experiments it is proposed that data on speed of ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/10 : Autor(es): L. Pshenichnov and G. Milinevsky (Ukraine)
Proposal for a krill biomass survey for krill monitoring and management in CCAMLR Division 58.4.2-East
Abstract: Australia plans to conduct a krill biomass survey in Division 58.4.2 East during 23 ... January to 25 March 2021. The survey will estimate krill biomass with a view to update the precautionary ... catch limit for krill. A krill observatory mooring system will also be deployed during the survey to ... further monitor seasonal dynamics of krill in the seasonally ice covered area. The survey is also designed ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/03 : Autor(es): S. Kawaguchi, M. Cox, N. Kelly, L. Emmerson and D. Welsford
Investigations of krill transport factors in the local areas in the Scotia Sea: variability of krill distribution in the fishing grounds under the transport impact
Georgia West), analysing variability of krill transport and distribution characteristics in the local ... each study areas were accompanied with pulsatory pattern of krill transport, i.e. krill transported ... value (in our case, CV biomass=57%) is important, but also the observed changes in krill aggregation ... patterns forming the transported biomass portions (in our case, CV swarms/mile 2 =63%). Therefore, krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-07/17 : Autor(es): S.M. Kasatkina and V.N. Shnar (Russia)
Features of spatial and temporally distribution patterns of krill flux in the Scotia Sea: some comments on the development of a krill fishery management in Area 48.
Abstract: The spatial variability of krill flux in the Scotia Sea calculated by using the ... distribution of krill density, water flow intensity (m 3 /s) and krill biomass (g/m3) transported by water flow ... to the Scotia Sea, were a subject of study. It is clearly illustrated that the geostrophic krill ... flux in the Scotia Sea requires both favorable dynamic conditions and availability of krill transported ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/21 : Autor(es): S. Kasatkina, V. Shnar and A. Malyshko
Distribution patterns and biomasses of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and ice krill (E. crystallorophias) with note on distribution of Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) in the Ross Sea in 2005
Abstract: Distribution patterns and biomasses of Antarctic and ice krill in the Ross Sea in ... austral summer in 2005 were studied using a multi-disciplinary survey data set combining cetacean, krill ... obtained from samples of RMT hauls and stomach contents of Antarctic minke whales. Ice krill was ... distributed on the continental shelf region (shallower than 1000m water depth). In contrast, Antarctic krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-08/35 : Autor(es): H. Murase, H. Yasuma, R. Matsukura, Y. Takao, K. Taki, T. Hayashi, T. Yabuki, T. Tamura, K. Konishi, K. Matsuoka, K. Miyashita, S. Nishiwaki and M. Naganobu (Japan)
Do krill fisheries compete with macaroni penguins? Spatial overlap in prey consumption and krill catches during winter
, the macaroni penguin, and the krill fishery by examining the spatial overlap in prey consumption and ... and the krill fishery can occur. We tracked adult macaroni penguins from a colony in South Georgia ... krill consumed which could be compared directly with the spatial distribution of the tonnes of krill ... krill during the winter which is similar to the 98,431 tonnes caught by fisheries over the same period ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/02 : Autor(es): N. Ratcliffe, S.L. Hill, I.J. Staniland, R. Brown, S. Adlard, C. Horswill and P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom)
Preliminary modelling of potential climate-change impacts on krill and a krill-dependent predator in CCAMLR Subareas 48.1 to 48.3
affect krill resources and the marine ecosystem in Antarctic waters is critical. Previous research has ... demonstrated possible climate change impacts on krill habitat and growth. In this preliminary study, we ... assessed the potential consequences of these impacts for both the krill stock and its dependent predators ... using a peer-reviewed krill-predator-fishery ecosystem dynamics model. Initial results demonstrate the ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/53 : Autor(es): E.S. Klein, S.L. Hill, G.M. Watters and J.T. Hinke
Abstract: To investigate spatio-temporal variability of krill body length and number of bycatch ... fish, observer data sets on Japanese krill fishery from 1995 to 2008 were analyzed by using a ... dynamics from observation error caused by the fishery activity and individual observation. In both krill ... variability of krill population structure and a difficulty in predicting krill population dynamics. Variances ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-11/39 : Autor(es): T. Okuda and M. Kiyota (Japan)
different climate oceanographic regimes and its influence on krill biomass into the discussion of krill ... fishery management issues. Krill catch data in Subareas 48.1, 48.2 and 48.3 are compared to the AMLR ... Programme findings as described by Loeb et al. (2009). It is shown that krill fisheries statistics may be ... inter-annual variation of krill biomass distribution between the major statistical subareas. The ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-09/47 : Autor(es): V. Spiridonov (Russia)