The CCAMLR Secretariat coordinates the implementation of the Observer Scheme through a network of national technical coordinators from CCAMLR Members.
Technical coordinators are responsible for providing details of all observer deployments and for ensuring that data and samples collected during the deployments are successfully transmitted from the observer to the Secretariat.
Technical coordinators
Requester Member Country | Technical Coordinator | Employer Name |
Argentina |
Javier De Cicco
cij [at] mrecic [dot] gov [dot] ar
+541148197419 |
Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Worship |
Argentina |
Javier De Cicco
cij [at] mrecic [dot] gov [dot] ar
+541148197419 |
Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Worship |
Argentina |
Paola Gucioni
paola [dot] gucioni [at] gmail [dot] com
+5491161199769 |
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto |
Argentina |
María Mercedes Santos
mechasantos [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] ar
Instituto Antártico Argentino |
Argentina |
Enrique Marschoff
marschoff [at] gmail [dot] com
+5491165157610 |
Instituto Antártico Argentino |
Australia |
Justine Johnston
justine [dot] johnston [at] afma [dot] gov [dot] au
+61262255415 |
Australian Fisheries Management Authority |
Australia |
Tim Lamb
Tim [dot] Lamb [at] awe [dot] gov [dot] au
+61362323535 |
Australian Antarctic Division, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Australia |
Sally Carney
sally [dot] carney [at] aad [dot] gov [dot] au
+61434230769 |
Australian Antarctic Division, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Belgium |
Anton Van de Putte
antonarctica [at] gmail [dot] com
+32494943806 |
Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences |
Belgium |
Stephanie Langerock
stephanie [dot] langerock [at] health [dot] fgov [dot] be
+3225249296 |
FPS Health, DG Environment |
Brazil |
Eduardo Sfoglia
eduardo [dot] sfoglia [at] itamaraty [dot] gov [dot] br
+556120308619 |
Ministério das Relações Exteriores |
Chile |
Juan Enrique Loyer Greene
jloyer [at] minrel [dot] gob [dot] cl
+56228274170 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile |
Chile |
Pablo Ortiz
portiz [at] sernapesca [dot] cl
+56322819301 |
Chile |
Patricio Arana
PatricioArana [at] pucv [dot] cl
Chile |
Francisco Lertora
flertora [at] minrel [dot] gob [dot] cl
+56224135954 |
Dirección Nacional de Fronteras y Límites - DIFROL |
Chile |
Francisco Berguño
fberguno [at] minrel [dot] gob [dot] cl
+213791444444 |
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile |
Chile |
César Cárdenas
ccardenas [at] inach [dot] cl
+56612298124 |
Instituto Antártico Chileno (INACH) |
Chile |
Oscar Spichiger
ospichiger [at] directemar [dot] cl
+56322208326 |
Directorate General of the Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine, Chilean Navy |
Chile |
Paola Natividad Arroyo Mora
parroyom [at] dgtm [dot] cl
+56322208359 |
Direcciòn General del Territorio Maritimo |
Chile |
Nelson Eduardo Saavedra Inostroza
nsaavedra [at] dgtm [dot] cl
+56322208301 |
Directorate General of the Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine |
Chile |
Luis Cocas
lcocas [at] subpesca [dot] cl
+56322502799 |
Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura |
Chile |
Camilo Sanhueza Bezanilla
csanhueza [at] minrel [dot] gob [dot] cl
+56228274401 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile |
Chile |
Francisco Santa Cruz
fsantacruz [at] inach [dot] cl
Instituto Antartico Chileno (INACH) |
China |
Xianyong Zhao
zhaoxy [at] ysfri [dot] ac [dot] cn
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science |
China |
Jiancheng Zhu
zhujc [at] ysfri [dot] ac [dot] cn
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science |
China |
Gangzhou Fan
fangz [at] ysfri [dot] ac [dot] cn
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute |
European Union |
Sebastián Rodríguez Alfaro
sebastian [dot] rodriguez [at] marinesciences [dot] eu
+34828914451 |
European Union |
France |
Caroline Krajka
caroline [dot] krajka [at] diplomatie [dot] gouv [dot] fr
+33153693653 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
France |
Nicolas Gasco
nicolas [dot] gasco [at] mnhn [dot] fr
+33664242692 |
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle |
Germany |
Stefan Hain
stefan [dot] hain [at] awi [dot] de
+4947148311152 |
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research |
Japan |
Taisuke Iwano
taisuke_iwano460 [at] maff [dot] go [dot] jp
+81335911086 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
Japan |
Ryo Onodera
ryo_onodera380 [at] maff [dot] go [dot] jp
+81367442363 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
Japan |
Toya Takehara
toya_takehara240 [at] maff [dot] go [dot] jp
+81335911086 |
Fisheries Agency of Japan |
Korea, Republic of |
Jeongseok Park
jeongseokpark [at] korea [dot] kr
+82517202320 |
National Institute of Fisheries Science, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries |
Korea, Republic of |
Jung-re Riley Kim
riley1126 [at] korea [dot] kr
+82442005398 |
The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of Korea |
Korea, Republic of |
Eunjung Kim
eunjungkim [at] korea [dot] kr
+82517202321 |
National Institute of Fisheries Science |
Korea, Republic of |
Sang Gyu Shin
gyuyades82 [at] gmail [dot] com
+82517202327 |
National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS) |
Korea, Republic of |
Eunhyeok Choe
dhchoe [at] kosfa [dot] org
+8225891618 |
Korea Overseas Fisheries Association |
Korea, Republic of |
Sangdeok Chung
sdchung [at] korea [dot] kr
+82517202322 |
National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS) |
Korea, Republic of |
Jung-re Riley Kim
mof_2014 [at] korea [dot] kr
+82442005398 |
International Cooperation Division, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries |
Namibia |
Malcom Block
Malcolm [dot] Block [at] mfmr [dot] gov [dot] na
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources |
Namibia |
Rosalia Mupetami
Rosalia [dot] Mupetami [at] mfmr [dot] gov [dot] na
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources |
Namibia |
Beau Tjizoo
Beau [dot] Tjizoo [at] mfmr [dot] gov [dot] na
+264612053013 |
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources |
New Zealand |
Adam Berry
Adam [dot] Berry [at] mpi [dot] govt [dot] nz
+6448194734 |
Ministry for Primary Industries |
New Zealand |
Rachel Stevens
rachel [dot] stevens [at] mfat [dot] govt [dot] nz
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
New Zealand |
Austin Burgess
austin [dot] burgess [at] mpi [dot] govt [dot] nz
+6448194387 |
Ministry for Primary Industries |
New Zealand |
Aimee Tang
aimee [dot] tang [at] mfat [dot] govt [dot] nz
+61211906397 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade New Zealand |
New Zealand |
Monique Messina
monique [dot] messina [at] mpi [dot] govt [dot] nz
+6448312126 |
Ministry for Primary Industries |
Norway |
Hanne Østgård
hanne [dot] ostgard [at] fiskeridir [dot] no
+4780030179 |
The Directorate of Fisheries |
Poland |
Robert Bialik
rbialik [at] ibb [dot] waw [dot] pl
+48504244199 |
Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences |
Poland |
Anna Panasiuk
anna [dot] panasiuk [at] ug [dot] edu [dot] pl
+48725991106 |
Poland |
Justyna Szumlicz
justyna [dot] szumlicz [at] minrol [dot] gov [dot] pl
+48226232911 |
The Long Distance Fisheries and International Affairs Unit, Fisheries Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
Poland |
Michal Szymanski
mszymanski [at] mir [dot] gdynia [dot] pl
+48587356258 |
National Marine Fisheries Research Institute in Gdynia, Department of Logistics & Monitoring |
Poland |
Małgorzata Korczak-Abshire
mka [at] ibb [dot] waw [dot] pl
+48225925794 |
Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences |
Poland |
Renata Wieczorek
renata [dot] wieczorek [at] minrol [dot] gov [dot] pl
+48225838953 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
Poland |
Leszek Dybiec
leszek [dot] dybiec [at] minrol [dot] gov [dot] pl
+48226232975 |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
Russian Federation |
Andrey Petrov
megaklark [at] inbox [dot] ru
+74959870568 |
Federal Agency for Fisheries |
South Africa |
Sobahle Somhlaba
ssomhlaba [at] dffe [dot] gov [dot] za
+27214023163 |
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
South Africa |
Fatima Savel
FSavel [at] dffe [dot] gov [dot] za
+27214023539 |
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment |
Spain |
Carmen Margarita Mancebo Robledo
cmancebo [at] mapa [dot] es
+34913476129 |
Spain |
Luis Belmonte González
lbelmonte [at] mapa [dot] es
+34913476079 |
Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food |
Spain |
Roberto Sarralde Vizuete
roberto [dot] sarralde [at] ieo [dot] csic [dot] es
+34986492111 |
Instituto Español de Oceanografía-CSIC |
Sweden |
Pia Norling
pia [dot] norling [at] havochvatten [dot] se
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management |
Ukraine |
Roman Solod
roman-solod [at] ukr [dot] net
+380615336604 |
Institute of Fisheries and Marine Ecology (IFME) of the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine |
Ukraine |
Leonid Pshenichnov
lkpbikentnet [at] gmail [dot] com
+380950718143 |
SSI "Institute of Fisheries, Marine Ecology and Oceanography" (IFMEO) of the State Agency of Melioration and Fisheries of Ukraine |
United Kingdom |
James Fosbery
james [dot] fosbery [at] fcdo [dot] gov [dot] uk
+447880300676 |
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office |
United Kingdom |
Kylie Bamford
kylie [dot] bamford [at] fcdo [dot] gov [dot] uk
+442070082614 |
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office |
United States of America |
Christopher Jones
chris [dot] d [dot] jones [at] noaa [dot] gov
+18585465605 |
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) |
Uruguay |
Oscar Pin
comcruma [at] mrree [dot] gub [dot] uy
+59824004689 |
Direccion Nacional de Recursos Acuaticos (DINARA) |
Uruguay |
Yamandú Marín
ymarin [at] mgap [dot] gub [dot] uy
+59824004689 |
Direccion Nacional de Recursos Acuaticos (DINARA) |
This page was last modified on 03 Mar 2014