Catch and effort data are used to monitor CCAMLR fisheries and to forecast fishery closures.
Catch and effort data are submitted to the Secretariat by Flag Sates, or their vessels, using the following CCAMLR Forms - Catch and effort data (352.85 KB):
- CEf_v2019 for finfish fisheries or
- CEk_v2019 for krill fisheries.
Catch and effort data are submitted at different reporting periods depending on the conservation measure (CM) that applies to a fishery and the status of the fishery in relation to its catch limit. Failure to submit required catch and effort data can result in the closure of the fishery to the vessel involved.
Which vessels are required to report?
Reporting of catch and effort data are required for all vessels that are operating in the fishery for all reporting periods, including for days or periods on which fishing does not take place.
In accordance with CCAMLR-XXXVII, paragraph 5.28, for the purpose of CM 23-07, paragraph 1, any vessel that is licenced and notified to participate in an exploratory fishery, and is in the area of that fishery during the period that the fishery is open, will be considered to be ‘operating in an exploratory fishery’ regardless of whether it is actively deploying or retrieving fishing gear, and shall submit reports for all reporting periods in which it is in the area of the fishery.
Daily catch and effort data
All exploratory toothfish fisheries are required to report daily catch and effort data in accordance with Conservation Measure 23-01.
The daily reporting period runs from 12 midnight to 12 midnight UTC. Daily catch and effort data must be submitted to the Secretariat no later than 0600 hours UTC on the following day.
The Secretariat will provide fishery updates to Fishery Update Contacts and vessels. In accordance with CM 23-07, the Secretariat will provide fishery updates at approximately 5-day intervals and daily within 5 days of a notified closure. If daily catch and effort data have not been submitted by 0600 hours UTC, this will be indicated in the Secretariat’s fishery update. In these cases, the vessel’s previous daily catch and effort data will be used for forecasting a fishery closure.
Failure to submit data within the required timeframe can result in the closure of the fishery to a vessel involved (CM 23-07, paragraph 7).
5-day catch and effort data
5-day catch and effort data are submitted in accordance with Conservation Measure 23-01 and are required for established toothfish and icefish fisheries (except Division 58.5.2) and during research fishing undertaken in accordance with Conservation Measure 24-01.
5-day catch and effort data must be submitted not later than two working days after the end of the 5-day reporting period.
The Secretariat will provide fishery updates, after the 5-day deadline has passed, to Fishery Update Contacts and, where nominated, to vessels participating in a fishery.
10-day catch and effort data
10-day catch and effort data are submitted in accordance with Conservation Measure 41-08 and Conservation Measure 42-02 for established fisheries in Division 58.5.2.
10-day catch and effort data must be submitted before the end of the next 10-day reporting period.
The Secretariat will provide fishery updates, after the deadline has passed, to Fishery Update Contacts.
Requirements for krill fisheries
Krill fisheries in Subareas 48.2, 48.3, 48.4 and Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 are required to submit monthly catch and effort data are in accordance with CM 23-03 and CM 23-06.
Should the catch in Subareas 48.2, 48.3, 48.4 and Division 58.4.2 exceed 80% of the trigger levels set in CMs 51-01, 51-03 and 51-07, the Secretariat will inform Fishery Update Contacts and vessels participating in the relevant fishery that catches must be reported using the 5-day catch and effort reporting for the rest of the season.
The catch in Subarea 48.1 has previously exceeded 80% of the trigger level and, in accordance with CM 23-06, if in the 2018/19 fishing season they exceed 80% of the trigger level, the Secretariat will inform Fishery Update Contacts and vessels participating in the relevant fishery that catches must be reported using the 5-day catch and effort reporting for the rest of the season.
In order to simplify reporting from the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1 for the 2018/19 fishing season, the Secretariat requests that the 5-day catch and effort reporting system be implemented by Members voluntarily from the start of the season, as well as in accordance with the Commission’s decision in CCAMLR-XXXIII, paragraph 5.5, for voluntary reporting once the catch reaches 10% of the trigger level.
Secretariat reporting
The Secretariat will provide reports to Fishery Update Contacts and relevant vessels at the end of each reporting period, or at approximately 5-day intervals in respect of daily reporting. These reports will contain information on the current reported catch quantities and the projected date on which the catch limits will be reached. The Secretariat will issue closure notices when a projection indicates that waiting for any further reporting periods would risk the fishery exceeding its catch limit.
Closure notices will be sent to all Contracting Parties. Each month the Secretariat will report on the progress of all fisheries to all Contracting Parties.
All Fishery Notices are made available to Contracting Parties for review.