Resultados de la búsqueda
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 147/XIX (2000)
vessels while participating only in a krill fishery is not currently required. 4. For the purpose of this ...
Conservation Measure : 147/XIX (2000)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 24-01 (2002)
threshold of 0.1% of the catch limit for a given area would apply Krill Squid Crabs ...
Conservation Measure : 24-01 (2002)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 24-01 (2003)
apply Krill Squid Crabs ...
Conservation Measure : 24-01 (2003)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 24-01 (2005)
Krill Squid Crabs ...
Conservation Measure : 24-01 (2005)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 24-01 (2008)
catch threshold of 0.1% of the catch limit for a given area would apply Krill Squid Crabs ...
Conservation Measure : 24-01 (2008)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 10-10 (2012)
and Effort Reporting System for Exploratory Fisheries, with the exception of exploratory krill ...
Conservation Measure : 10-10 (2012)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 10-10 (2014)
Exploratory Fisheries, with the exception of exploratory krill fisheries 24-02 Longline weighting ...
Conservation Measure : 10-10 (2014)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 10-10 (2015)
Exploratory Fisheries, with the exception of exploratory krill fisheries 24-02 Longline weighting for ...
Conservation Measure : 10-10 (2015)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-02 (2015)
factors affecting gear selectivity. 7 In accordance with CM 21-03, Annex 21-03/A, for krill fisheries. ...
Conservation Measure : 21-02 (2015)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-02 (2016)
krill fisheries. 8 The annual report of fisheries notifications shall be considered by the Commission ...
Conservation Measure : 21-02 (2016)