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    NPOA-Seabirds Science Advisory Group
    Final recommendations on fields of research for the NPOA Medium Term Research Plan 2006/07–2010/11

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    S. Waugh (Convener) (New Zealand)
    Agenda Item(s)

    Following the review by Alderman (unpublished) and Bull (unpublished) of research into seabird-fishery interactions, a set of recommendations were made by the Science Advisory Group to the National Plan of Action – Seabirds. The recommendations were developed under six main topic areas: a) mitigation research; b) estimation of bycatch; c) population estimation and modelling; d) foraging ecology; e) molecular research; f) assessing management efficacy. These recommendations set out methodological details to be considered when commissioning future research on seabird interactions with fisheries and the effects of fishing on seabird population viability, on apparent gaps in the existing research, and reported on the key findings of the review, as they applied to the management of seabird – fishery interactions in New Zealand fisheries. The recommendations were used in the development of the research plan for the NPOA – Seabirds for New Zealand for the period 2006/07 to 2010/11.