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    Modelling egg and larval transport of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the East Antarctic region: preliminary result using satellite data

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    M. Mori, K. Mizobata, T. Okuda and T. Ichii
    Submitted By:
    Dr Mao Mori
    Approved By:
    Ms Doro Forck (CCAMLR Secretariat)

    Using two different surface geostrophic filed data (A-1: without and A-2: with temporal eddy activity) covering 2011-2018, we developed the particle tracking model to investigate egg and larval transport of the Antarctic Toothfish in the East Antarctic region. This paper presents the transport pattern of particles released from plausible spawning grounds, i.e. Banzare Bank (BB: Kerguelen South) and northern continental slope region (e.g. Gunnerus Ridge and Bruce Rise Plateau), through each 2-year simulation.  From the result of the BB region, while strong self retention on the BB was observed in the experiment A-1, the majority of particles were advected eastward in the experiment A-2. A significant difference is that some particles reached southern shelf-slope zone (nursery ground) in the experiment A-2 because of effects of temporal eddy activities. In the northern continental slope region, most of the particles were stopped by entering the inner shelf region (nursery ground). We showed that particles released from the ridge, rise in oceanic region and some parts in the northern slope can be advected to the nursery areas in about 3 months -2 years by different local oceanic dynamics.